

人細鬼壞 (Mean Spirit)

Marketing: 鬼馬嬰兒喜劇

Selling Point: 賣攪笑



原以為這是一套合家歡電影,然而本片其實大搞成人色彩的抵死不文,有叫床聲、做愛動作和通奸偷情等情節,對白也十分露骨,所以此片其實不適宜家長帶小孩子觀看。但片商肯定沒有刻意申明此點,可能是 Marketing的決定,希望吸引所有老中青的觀眾,但此舉却可能引一些誤帶小孩入場觀看電影的家長們的尷尬和不滿呢。

此外,本片也採用粵語配音,可能片商認為香港觀眾喜歡粵語,但此點我其實有保留。葛文輝和吳君如的配音真的配十分通俗、地道、香港甚至有點 Cheap和賤;但總覺得和畫面上的法國演員和歐陸景色有點不倫不類。所以我認為本片至少應保留數間上影原裝版本的電影院,供中產觀眾選擇,香港其實有很多觀眾是堅決不看配了音的電影的。

中文片名《人細鬼壞》其實改得不差,短而精,一看便知是一套有關小朋友和衰鬼的電影,也和俗語「人細鬼大」音類似,容易記憶,看來比英文片名"Mean Spirit"更到題吧。


Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers

The Hong Kong Government has recently introduced a lot of reforms into schools. To cite an example, the benchmark of English language proficiency assessment, which is quite controversial to teachers, has already launched for years. Without any doubts, no one likes being assessed, but I think it is still a positive means to better the language proficiency of language teachers, enhance their professional teaching image, as well as build up confidence of teachers, students and parents.

From my perspective, Hong Kong being an international city and the window of China to the world, good English language proficiency is necessary that makes us crucial and competitive among other cities in China. I tend to believe that the assessment acts as an impetus to English teachers to better their language proficiency. What is more, good language teachers may help the society maintain the language standard because those teachers who pass the benchmark should have already attained certain language proficiency level.

Second, the benchmark is a uniform exam which is designed for assessing teachers’ language proficiency. The ultimate aim is to improve the language standard of teachers. It is hoped that language teachers will attain the assessment finally. In my opinion, it helps teachers develop their teaching career professionally that also helps them enhance their professional image.

In addition, a teacher who fulfills the benchmark requirement is a kind of recognition to his/her teaching profession. Actually, a professional language teaching team in Hong Kong also gives confidence to students, parents, and teachers themselves.

It cannot be denied that the policy is very controversial, but we should not neglect its value because of its flaws. Those loopholes can be deemed as technical problems. Therefore, I suggested that the government should provide more grants and assistance to the language teachers if they believe that good language teachers are the vital asset of Hong Kong. The Education and Manpower Bureau should also review the assessment to see if there are any necessary improvements or modifications simultaneously.